Thursday, August 5, 2010

Biografi Of Muawiyyah Bin Abu Sufyan

A Note about the personality of Muawiyyah bin Abu Sufyan

Mua'wiyyah bin Abu Sufyan bin Harb bin Umayyah Bin Abdu Syams, son of Abdu Manaf ibn Qusai. His nickname Abu Abdur Rahman al-Umawi. He and his father converted to Islam during the opening of the city of Makkah (Mecca Fathu), joined Emitter Hunayn war, including those converts who pulled her to convert to Islam, and Islamic better, and also became one of the authors of revelation.

He narrated the hadith of the Prophet as much as one hundred and sixty-three hadith. Some friends and Tabi'in who narrated hadith from him, among others: Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdulah ibn Umar, Abdullah bin Zubair, Abu Darda ', Jarir al-Bajali, Nu'man ibn Basyir and others. Meanwhile, among the Successors, among others: Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib, Hamid bin Abdur Rahman and others.

He was one who has the ingenuity and patience. Many hadith stating his personal virtue, but from these hadiths that very few will be accepted.

Imam at-Tirmidhi narrated (he says that the hadith is hasan) from Abdur Rahman bin Abi Umairah (a friend of Allah) from the Prophet that he said to the conditions was, "O Allah, make him the person who gave the instructions and receive guidance."

Imam Ahmad in his Musnad narrated from al-Mirbadh bin Sariyyah he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah said, "O Allah Mu'awiyah teach the Koran and the reckoning will also protect him from adzab."

Ibn Abi 'Abd al Muttalib in his Mushannaf and Imam ath-Thabarani in his book al-Kabir narrated from Abdul Malik ibn Umair who said: Mu'awiyyah said: Since the Prophet said to me. "O Mu'awiyah, if you became king, and do good!" I always wanted the caliphate.
Mua'wiyyah is a man who was tall and handsome white-skinned and charismatic. Once Umar saw him and said, "He is the emperor of the Arabs."

It was narrated from 'Ali ibn Abu Talib, he said, "Do not you hate the government of Mu'awiyah. Because if you lose him, you will undoubtedly see a few heads away from his neck. "

Al-Maqbari said: You guys really impressed the emperor of Persia and Rome, but you do not care about Mu'awiyah! . Even Ibn Abid Dunya and Abu Bakr ibn 'Uthman authored a special book about patience.

Ibn 'Aun said, "There's a man said to the conditions was: For God's sake you should enforce the law with straight O Mu'awiyah. If not, then we were going to straighten you! "
Mu'awiyah said, "With what are you going to straighten us?"
He replied, "With a wooden bat!"
Muawiyyah replied, "Then we will apply the straight."

Qubaishah bin Jabir said: I accompanied the conditions was for some time, it turns out he is a man of great patience. I met no one is as patient as he was, no one can pretend to be more ignorant of it, as no one is more cautious than himself.

When Abu Bakr sent troops into Syria, he and his brother Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan left there. Yazid died when she was assigned to replace his brother in Syria to be governor. Umar established cemented what Abu Bakr and Uthman determine what set by Umar. Uthman made the Sham entirely under his control. He was governor of Syria for twenty years and became caliph also for twenty years.

Ka'ab al-Ahbar said: No one who was to rule as to power of Mu'awiyah.

Adz-Dzahabi said: Ka'ab died before Mu'awiyah became caliph, it is true what they say Ka'ab. Because conditions was to be caliph for twenty years, there is no insurgency and no match in power. Unlike the caliphs who came after. They are many who argue, there are even some areas that states break away.
Conditions was a rebellion to Ali as has been alluded to in advance, and he declared himself caliph. Then he was also a rebellion to al-Hasan. Al-Hasan eventually resigned. Then Mu'awiyah became caliph in Early or Jumada al-Ula , the year 41 AH This year, known as' Aam Jama (Year Unity), because in this year Muslims united in determining a single caliphate. In the same year Marwan bin Hakam conditions was raised as the governor of Medina.

In the year 43 AH, the city Rukhkhaj and several other cities in Sajistan conquered. Waddan in Barqah and Kur in Sudan also conquered. In that year also the child's father Ziyad conditions was set. This-according-Tsa'labi-ATS is the first decision that considered changing the law that established the Prophet.
In the year 45 AH, Qaiqan opened.

In the year 50 AH, Qauhustan opened by the war. In the year 50 AH, membaiat conditions was called for his son Yazid as caliph after the crown prince and when he died.

Mu'awiyah died in the year 60 AH Rajab He was buried in the Bab al-Jabiyyah and Chapter ash-Shaghir. Mentioned that the age of seventy-seven years. He has some hair and some pieces of the Messenger of nails. He bequeathed to the two objects were in placed in the mouth and both eyes at the time of his death. He said, "Do that, and let me see God the Most Gracious, Most Merciful!".


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